Saturday, December 13, 2008

No te salves / Don't save yourself

by Mario Benedetti

No te quedes inmóvil
al borde del camino

no congeles el júbilo
no quieras con desgana
no te salves
ahora ni nunca
no te salves

no te llenes de calma

no reserves del mundo
sólo un rincón tranquilo

no dejes caer los párpados
pesados como juicios

no te quedes sin labios
no te duermas sin sueño
no te pienses sin sangre
no te juzgues sin tiempo

pero si pese a todo
no puedes evitarlo
y congelas el júbilo
y quieres con desgana

y te salvas ahora
y te llenas de calma

y reservas del mundo
sólo un rincón tranquilo

y dejas caer los párpados
pesados como juicios

y te secas sin labios
y te duermes sin sueño
y te piensas sin sangre
y te juzgas sin tiempo

y te quedas inmóvil
al borde del camino

y te salvas
no te quedes conmigo

Don´t be immobile
on the edge of the road

Don't freeze the joy
Don't love with reluctance
Don't save yourself
now or ever
Don't save yourself

Don't fill yourself with calm

Don't reserve in the world
just a calm place

Don't let fall your eyelids
heavy as judgments

Don´t speak without lips
Don't fall asleep without sleepiness
Don't think of you without blood
Don't judge yourself without time

But if in spite of everything
you cannot avoid it
And you freeze the joy
And you love with reluctance

And you save yourself now
And you fill yourself with calm

And you reserve in the world
just a calm place,

And you let fall your eyelids
heavy as judgments

And you speak without lips
And you fall asleep without sleepiness
And you think of yourself without blood
And you judge yourself without time

And you are immobile
on the edge of the road,

And you save yourself
Don't stay with me

Translation by Latinbabygirl/myself.